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Employee Referral Program, a win-win strategy that attracts talents


ORINOX encourages the Employee Referral Program but do you really know what it is about? In this article, we will introduce to the benefits of Employee Referral Program.



Employee referral program is considered one of the most productive recruiting strategies. Research has proven that referred employees are the best employees in many different ways: they take the shortest time to hire, they are more affordable to hire and they stay longest with companies and have a lowest turnover rate.

In this article, we will introduce you to the Employee Referral Program and to the benefits for the company and for the collaborator, such as employee referral bonuses.

Ready ? Let’s go !

What is an employee referral program?

An employee referral program (ERP), is when a collaborator recommends qualified friends, relatives or colleagues, who can fit into open positions.

It is a new way of generating new hires which works a lot with social media such as LinkedIn. It is also a good way for employees to develop their own network.

ORINOX encourages this new way to hire because each of us can recruit very good profiles from his own network and thus participate in the development and growth of ORINOX.

But be careful ! Don’t misunderstand employee referral program (ERP) with “string-pulling”. Indeed, employee referral program allows employees to recommend qualified people for open positions and not recommend old friends just because of affection you have for them. But you must also know the person you recommend. You can’t just recommend someone you just added on LinkedIn.


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What are the benefits of Employee Referral Program?

The major benefit is for both the current employee and the future employee.


Benefits for the company

Faster and cheaper recruitment: Employee Referral Program reduces the application process. A recommendation = a profile that matches = an interview. Also, it is a complementary sourcing method because the employee seeks and analyses profiles to find the most suitable/qualified person.

Qualified job applicants: Your existing employees know best who your ideal candidate is. This is why employee referrals most of the time are a much better match than candidates coming from other sources. Job applicants presented are qualified and sometimes already have a knowledge of the company and its culture.


Benefits for the employee

The employee can get both professional and financial advantages.

About the professional aspect, the employee is increasing his own network and at the same time he/she participates in the development and growth of his/her company.

About the financial aspect, ORINOX has set up an employee referral bonus.

This bonus is paid to the employee who recommends a job applicant at the end of the new employee’s probationary period: it is around €800 per job applicants.

Benefits for Job Applicants
Because the employee who recommends you would have explain you everything about the company, it is a good way to well understand the job position and get along with the culture and mindset of the company. So that the job applicants does not make any mistake.
Also, for job seekers, a referral is a way to get your application priority consideration.


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How can I recommend a candidate?
If you would like to refer a candidate, please send his CV as well as the Employee Referral Program file completed to

For any information related to the procedure of the Employee Referral Program, your contact at Orinox is: Marina GAUDIN, Recruitment Officer.