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ORINOX Training is referenced on DataDock


Châteaubriant, May 2018

ORINOX Training is referenced on DataDock.


Châteaubriant, May 2018  

ORINOX Training is referenced on DataDock.


Picto datadockeDataDock, what does it consist of?

Existing since 2016, Data Dock is a unique database that allows companies to choose their training organization with ever greater readability and transparency.
Funders may or may not choose to reference the datadocked training provider in their reference catalogue, which is then made available to companies and employees.

In order to harmonize the tools and procedures, the Opca (Organisme Paritaire Collecteur Agréé/ Equal Collecting Accredited Organism ), in charge of collecting the financial obligations of companies in vocational training and the CIF (Congé individuel de formation / Training Leave ), have defined 21 indicators and associated evidence that training organizations must register in a common data cloud called “Datadock” to be considered as referenceable.

In 2018, 33,000 training organizations were declared “Compliant”, 21,000 “Referenced” and registered in the process, according to the 21 indicators mentioned above.



What does the law say?

The law of 5th March 2014 and the 2015 decree of 30th June 2015, entrust vocational training funders with the responsibility of monitoring and controlling the quality of the training bodies with which they work for and set the criteria that enable continuing vocational training funders to ensure the quality of training.


The 6 Quality criteria that the training organisations (OF) must meet:

Find in detail the 6 criteria here

Advantages for everyone.








ORINOX Formation has demonstrated credibility by meeting all the prerequisites, and our referencing with DATA DOCK allows you, by choosing our training, to be reimbursed by the financiers.


Julia COLLINAuthor : Julia COLLIN 

Position: Lead Marketing & Communication

Linkedin: Julia COLLIN 



Author : Léa TUFFIER

Poste: Assistante Marketing & Communication 


Linkedin: Léa TUFFIER